A year into a global pandemic we witness more and more work-from-home experiments.
In case you are struggling to settle in and work from home or simply need a change, productivity boosters are sometimes so simple to achieve. For example, you can read our list of tips that will help anyone set up a home office.
With little tweaks when it comes to space, its layout, and decor, you can create a quality office area. Moreover, you should also pay attention to the furniture and devices that help to boost productivity. Finally, our tips also cover clever advice for setting the right mood while keeping your body and mind healthy.
Space Tweaks
1. Pick A Quiet Corner Of The Room
If possible, you should always pick a quiet and private corner of your room to set up an office. To clarify, separate it from your living and sleeping space. This will encourage you to be more productive without too many everyday distractions. However, some distraction is always welcome. Perhaps, pick a spot close to a window and put a nice plant or a small fountain outside to give you something nice to look at.

Noise is usually disturbing and can be quite distracting. Close all the doors and turn the volume on the television down, and voilà. There is your distraction-free office away from children playing, house members talking, and air ventilation being loud. If you are not fortunate enough to have a separate corner of the house available, do not despair. Simply choose a regular everyday spot at a kitchen table to associate it with working space and time. It should help.
2. Make It Well Lit
Lighting is achieved by locating your home office next to a window. In case that is not possible, lamps and mirrors come in handy. This way you won’t strain your eyes too much. Locating the desk next to a window will improve natural lighting and your overall well-being. During winter months, windows facing the south are especially important for bringing that positivity-filled sunshine in.

In case you cannot get the natural lighting, choose a light bulb with a cool and white light. Such a bulb imitates the tone of natural lighting. Similar to a cup of your favorite warm drink in the morning, natural lighting will also help you wake up and be productive. On the contrary, dark rooms and improper lighting will make you drowsy and tired.
3. Choose A Pleasant Smell
Unpleasant smells and working spaces do not mix well. They might not even let you focus on the matter at hand. That is why you should think of a smell that is pleasant enough to keep your home office the place to be. Adding a pleasant smell can involve a candle or essential oils. Most importantly, choose a smell you love.

Some of the popular essential oil scents that are suitable for offices include peppermint, orange, cinnamon, lemon, lavender, and even jasmine. These aromatherapy scents can help you grow your business and stay focused when used with a diffuser. Lemon promotes concentration, jasmine and lavender calm nerves, while peppermint works as a great energy booster.
4. Control The Room Temperature
Always feeling hot or cold? This might make you feel distracted and uncomfortable. To tackle the problem, ensure that you have access to heating during the cold days, as well as a window to open or the air-conditioning to turn on during boiling summer days. Middle-ground is the key to feeling comfortable and easy to tackle your daily tasks, for sure.

When you are cold, chances are even your fingers won’t be able to do much typing. On the other hand, stuffy rooms will make you feel sleepy and sometimes even unwell. That is why you should always try to avoid working in such conditions. Temperature is a vital key that can easily boost productivity if regulated carefully. Ideal working condition temperature ranges from 72 to 74 Fahrenheit degrees.
5. Think Of Space-Planning
It might be the right time to evaluate the layout and even move some furniture in the room. To create an effective workspace, you might have to put that copy machine closer to your desk finally. That way, you won’t have to walk too long just to bring a few printed pages back to the desk.

Here it is important to find what works best for you. Machines, devices, and other items you use on a daily basis should be within reach all the time. Placing them in a different room will work no more. By putting it closer to you, you will no longer spend your precious minutes on tasks that can be avoided by simply planning how to use your space ahead of time.
6. Perhaps Choose A Space-Saving Desk
Not everyone has a big space in their home available to use as an office. If you live in a small apartment or simply don’t have a separate room where you could work, you should think of investing in a space-saving desk. Say goodbye to working from your kitchen, sofa, or god forbid your bed.

In case you work from your laptop, a smaller wall-mounted desk will be exactly what you need. It will save space as you can easily fold it when your working hours are done. What is out of sight is also out of mind, right? At least that is what we would like in this case Moreover, you can also choose other compact tables that fold so you can store them away easily to save space when not in use.
7. Get A Good Desk & Chair
Comfort is needed, especially when you spend up to 8 hours a day sitting down typing away on your personal computer or laptop. Spending hundreds of hours monthly sitting in front of a computer can have a toll on your health and posture. That is why you should consider getting a desk suitable for your space and a comfortable chair to give your back some needed TLC.

Ergonomics are important. If your back is stiff and you are feeling cramps in your body, chances are you won’t feel very encouraged to think and work. Get a chair that will help you keep your feet flat on the floor. If that is not a plausible solution, you can put a footrest under your desk, too. Similarly, for comfortable typing, ensure that your hands and wrists are angled slightly downwards.
8. Declutter The Office Often & Thoroughly
If you are a hoarder of all things both necessary and unnecessary, you know how hard it is to find that one thing that you need. Similarly, you have probably heard of the saying that cluttered spaces lead to cluttered minds. A mess on your desk can stress you out, make you feel overwhelmed, and distract you. Big time.

That is why it is important to declutter your desk at the end of each day, as well as each week of work. For things that you absolutely cannot survive a day without, you should find ample storage so that it is always within reach. Everything else simply must go to keep your productivity levels high.
9. Maximize The Available (Vertical) Wall Space
For home offices that are short on space, even a bare wall is a valuable asset. There are so many things you can do with it. You can incorporate floating shelves and other storage options that are easy to mount on the wall. Moreover, you can build from the floor up.

The space closer to the floor you can use for storing documents and other things that you need to use quite often. The closer you get to the ceiling, the better the storage space is for things you rarely use. However, whenever you need them, you can access them by using a step-stool.
10. Place Your Desk Near A Power Outlet
Work from home mostly incorporates online businesses that require you to stay connected throughout your working hours. That means that you are not allowed to run out of battery on your laptop, mobile phone, tablet, or other devices.

Keeping your desk close to a power outlet will let you charge your laptop whenever it is needed. Otherwise, you might have to keep an extension cord close to your desk at all times.
11. Set All Your Gadgets Aside
According to many conducted pieces of research, workers’ behavior can depend on how close they stay to their gadgets. For example, keeping your phone right next to you at all times can make you quite distracted.

All those messages and social media notifications could move your focus from what is in front of you. Simply putting your phone out of your sight could do the trick here and give you your productivity back.
Layout & Decor Adjustments
12. Add A Touch Of Natural Color Or Mirrors
As we have covered the problem of lack of natural light in one of the passages above, here we offer you another solution for it. You can add a touch of natural colors to the wall, as well as mirrors. They brighten the room by reflecting the light and can even make the room appear bigger.

Moreover, you might be worried your home office does not have a large window to bring in natural light. Cue natural wall colors here, please. A soft color like grey, lilac, or a cool blue will make the room appear brighter than even white color, believe it or not.
13. Choose The Right Wall Color
Now, this might seem like you have no idea where to start. There are, after all, so many color tones available out there. However, some colors prove to be more suitable for boosting productivity.

If you need to stay focused and want to improve your concentration, block colors could be the one. Especially if you mix them with strong lines. For inspiration, bright strong colors work the best. Many will want to settle on the color green. It can help you unlock creativity and stimulate you to become productive.
14. Show Your Personal Style
Before you think to hire someone to think through the design of your home office, why don’t you try it out on your own? To unlock productivity, all you might have to do is bring a piece of your own style into play.

Maybe you like rustic, industrial, or even mid-century modern, contemporary, or minimalistic style. Another interesting idea would be to showcase a personal item that will keep you motivated, as well as more relaxed while working.
15. Pay Attention To Feng Shui
Feng shui practices may be high on your list of trusted methods or even your last resort to get yourself out of a slump. No matter which one it is, you might have to study its principles to get your energy balanced with the spatial arrangement of the home office. The Chinese have been using this practice for thousands of years.

According to those practices, you should position your desk diagonal to the entrance of the room and that your back does not face the door. A solid wall should be placed behind you rather than open space or a window. That way, you will ensure positive energy flows to you when you are working.
16. Include Greenery
Many studies show that employers are more productive with plants around them. If you surround yourself with a plant or two, you will not only elevate the look of your home office but also keep yourself happier, too.

Also, that way you bring the outside inside so that you feel less trapped indoors while working. You can get a plant suitable for your desk, or even a floor plant that is larger in size.
17. Go Wild With Notebooks & Stationery
Okay, not quite literally. However, do ensure you have a notebook within reach because you never know when you might have to note something down so you don’t forget it.

Besides notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, as well as erasers for both pen and pencil are most welcome. To keep them all in one place, you can also get a cute pen holder cup.
18. Floating & Corner Shelves Make A Good Investment
We have already mentioned floating shelves. They are a great piece of storage solution for tight rooms that don’t offer much floor space. They allow you to store documents and display any important artifacts, as well.

Corner bookshelves are also handy for storing stuff without taking up floor space. To determine the right position for a shelf according to what it is storing, ask yourself whether you use it religiously or if you maybe need that stuff a couple of times a year.
19. Add Motivational Objects, Remove TV
To make yourself feel better while working, you should consider displaying a personal photo or your favorite item in close proximity. This may boost your productivity by making you feel good about yourself.

Inspiring quotes could also do, in case they are your cup of tea. By motivating yourself to do better, you can get a lot more done in the same time slot. Finally, if possible, keep a TV screen far away from your working space to avoid getting distracted.
20. Distractions Stay Out Of Sight But Within Reach
Anything that might keep you distracted from continuous work should be out of your sight. For example, removing your phone from right next to you could help you focus much more on your tasks without interruptions.

However, keep it within reach so that when you take a break you can open your favorite app for a couple of minutes. Besides that, also consider keeping your favorite music instrument close to you for when you need to occupy your brain with something other than your work. For a short break, any type of productive distraction will do wonders to your productivity levels afterward.
21. Provide Storage Cabinets
One of the valuable organizing items you can use to declutter your home office space. Not everyone who works from home has all of their important data kept somewhere on the world wide web. In case you have real papers to collect, a storage cabinet will come in very handy.

Look for a simple cabinet that is also highly functional. For example, you can even get a model with wheels to make it mobile in case you need to move it around.
22. Display A Calendar
We know, you already know what the date is by glancing at your phone or computer screen. However, you can use a physical calendar to keep yourself more organized.

Using a calendar will help you with time management. For example, you can use it to list all of your important to-dos. Besides time management, this will also help improve task list management.
23. Use A Corkboard Or A Whiteboard
Is brainstorming something you need to do a lot? Then a whiteboard may come in handy. By installing it on the wall, you can always jot down ideas and words that might help you with your creativity.

If you have to create mood boards and sometimes need the physical reassurance rather than having it digitalized straight away, use a corkboard. You don’t even need extra wall space for this. You can simply mount it to a cabinet door.
24. File Holders & Hanging Holders
Another one in the sea of many organizing ideas for your papers and documents. They can be very functional while also pleasing to the eye, keeping you happy and productive.

In case you are tight on floor space, incorporating a hanging holder can solve the problem. You will now have a storage area without having to trip over boxes and cabinets taking up the precious floor space.
25. Organize Your Desk To The Max
The heart of any office – the desk. It can set the productivity level and the working tone depending on how you organize it. Keeping it organized will help calm you down as you won’t have to stress trying to find something in a heap of stuff. Only the supplies you use every day should be on the desk.

Moderation is key, so never go overboard with sticky notes everywhere around you, you might get lost. If you need a notebook or your phone, keep them on your dominant side. When it comes to layout, it also works best to keep the computer monitor in front of you.
26. Get A Supply Of Frequently Used Items
You have surely displaced a pen before. That is why it is smart to always have a backup. Not just with pens, but also with other things like staplers or ink cartridges, as well as any other item you use every day.

To help you here, you should also keep track of things you are running low on so you can stock up before it’s too late. Moreover, you might want to keep your supplies in one place. Think of investing in a storage cart with wheels.
27. A Standing Desk, Perhaps?
Many office workers swear by this thing. Apparently, it makes some people stay really productive. If you are in on this, it might be worth checking out. A standing desk helps you stay alert unlike sitting down all the time.

Sitting down is mostly linked to obesity and tricking your mind into thinking you are supposed to be relaxing. Now, that is something we need to avoid in order to boost productivity. However, standing for prolonged periods of time might make your back and feet achy. This is why alternating between sitting and standing might be the best option.
28. Hide & Tame The Cords
A bunch of tangled cords always-on display? What an eyesore! Such a chaotic look could even make you feel overwhelmed which we need to avoid to be productive.

By simply removing them from sight, you will do a favor to your state of mind, as well as to the look of the home office overall. There are many solutions that are simple enough so that everyone can get rid of cords and other eyesores.
Mind Your Health
29. Proper Work & Monitor Height
A desk or a table needs to be at work height. The standard table or desk height is around 29 inches. Similarly, tall people will do better with higher, while short people might need a lower height. Some desks even allow you to adjust their height.

You should be able to sit up straight with forearms parallel to the ground. The top of the forearms and the top of your wrists should be level, with your fingers slightly danging down. For monitors, make sure they are on your eye level. Keep a distance of 20 to 40 inches between your eyes and the monitor.
30. Look For Comfortable Furniture
Sitting down for hours won’t do your body any good. Unless, of course, you at least make it comfortable and support your body shape. The industry is full of ergonomic chairs you can look for with a wide price range.

That is why, if you can afford it, you should definitely stop using that kitchen chair that doesn’t even allow you to sit straight for hours. A comfortable sofa where you can take breaks is also great if you have space for it.
31. Think Of Adding In Exercise Equipment
Simple stretches during breaks will usually do the trick to keep your morale up and boost your productivity mid-day. However, if you need to have that extra something, there are many types of equipment you can use to achieve that.

Using exercise equipment can help you re-energize in the middle of the day and help to keep focused. Think of equipment such as light weights, step machines, resistance bands, and even a treadmill. Your body will also be thankful.
32. Take Eye Breaks & Make Them Meaningful
Breaks are essential. Humans cannot even stay focused on one matter all the time. Our eyes will be strained after a while of staring at that paper or computer screen. That is why taking an eye break should not involve switching from your laptop to look at your phone.

33. Make A To-Do List To Keep Track
A list of things you need to do can help you stay on track. At first, it might take some time to stick to it, but after a while, you will be thankful you started it out. Managing your tasks can help you stay productive so that you don’t have to plan your next move all the time.

If you organize tasks by their importance and put them on a list, this planning ahead of time can help you stay focused. By planning, you can also make sure to complete your most important tasks first thing in the morning. Also, try to remove time-wasters from your daily work.
34. Create A Break Schedule
Along with eye breaks that should be taken around every 20 minutes, it is also important your body and mind get refreshed every so often. For some tasks, it is recommended to do 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break.

When you take that big break for lunch, maybe go for a walk, as well. Taking breaks seems to be easier in a real office, and not at home. That is why you should incorporate reminders to take a break, drink some water, or walk around for a couple of minutes.
35. Reduce Blue Light Exposure Before Bed
Do you struggle with falling asleep at night? Your computers and mobile phones emit blue light. During the day, this light has many benefits, as it can keep your attention and boost your mood.

However, at night time, these same properties make it so bad for you. By keeping you awake, you will feel more tiresome which can, in some cases, even lead to health issues. To solve this problem, try to minimize your exposure to blue light before bed. Also, for prolonged use, you can get glasses that filter the blue light. You can thank us later.
36. Stay Hydrated With A Water Bottle
I always have a glass of water next to me, followed by a glass water jug to control my daily water intake. Some people will prefer to just use a bottle to avoid spills and make it very simple to just drink out of it to reduce how many dishes they have to use.

Water is essential to keep our well-being. Keeping it in a bottle next to you will save you from unnecessary trips to the kitchen all the time. Also, make sure to keep the bottle clean and not to drink water that stayed in the bottle for days.
37. Exercise Daily Even If Just Walking
A human being should take 10 thousand steps a day. When your work consists of you sitting down for 8 hours, it is crucial to go for walks after. As your home office also eradicates the need for a daily commute to work, it is possible you will feel the consequences of that after a while.

Some love to go to the gym to get breathing after, or even before work. Any kind of physical activity should help air out your mind and brain, too, which is crucial for staying productive.
38. Relax After Work
After work, make sure to do whatever it is you love doing to help you unwind. Mixing your work with your personal life will do you no good. That is why it is so important to disconnect from work after a long day. This will ultimately keep you more focused on your tasks when you wake up and start work the next day again.

39. Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Having a good rest after a long day will keep your body and mind healthy. Just like food, sleep is needed to survive. By resting your body and mind, you give it a chance to recharge for the next day. As we know, adults should get around 8 hours of sleep per night for maximum benefits. This will help you be productive when it is time to work.

Incorporate These Devices
40. Invest In A Video Conferencing Camera
Just like investing in a good quality keyboard and mouse, it is important to also look for a high definition camera. In case you partake in online meetings, a camera will come in handy. With the current happenings of a global pandemic, a lot of meetings have been transferred to online services such as Zoom and Skype.

Furthermore, with restrictions on travel, a camera will come in handy for not just your business, but also your personal life. Also, with the camera, you might also need speakers and a microphone.
41. Try Wireless Keyboard & Mouse
In case you work with a large monitor, a good keyboard and mouse will also be needed. Make sure they are ergonomically made to keep your fingers and wrists comfortable.

If you are not keen on having wires on display, you can try wireless equipment. Both keyboard and mouse equipment are available without cords that you need to plug in and look at on the desk. Try wireless options which will remove the eyesores called a tangled mess of cords.
42. High-Speed Internet, Please!
To be able to surf the net fast and without interruptions, check which high-speed internet providers are available in your area. If you are not the only person in your household using the internet, ideally choose an option with over 50 Mbps.

Wifi is a standard option to use. However, if your extensive work requires the best connection possible. Usually, you can achieve it by connecting your computer to the router via an Ethernet cable.
43. Consider A Wifi Extender
To stay connected, sometimes you might have to use a Wifi extender. For example, if you want to work on your patio or a room that is distanced from the Wifi router. Using it can ensure you always have access to a strong and reliable Internet connection. That way, you can eliminate dead zones where you struggle to stay connected.

44. Get A Surge Protector
No matter where you live, it is possible to experience power surges that can spike voltage levels. Such a disruption in electrical power can damage your electric equipment. Moreover, it can even compromise the integrity of your computer and give it a shorter life span. This is where a surge protector comes in, keeping your equipment safe so it doesn’t stop working.
45. Check Out A Network Router
Do you have more than one computer or laptop or a combination of both that you use in your home? Then you must know how hard it can be to handle the demand for Wifi connectivity. Especially when you also add in that smart TV in your living room and phones that all of your house members use.

The market offers network routers with many features and for different prices. You might not need the most advanced model, so don’t get tricked into paying for features that you won’t even use.
46. UPS To Save The Day
UPS or uninterruptible power supply is a holy grail for keeping you safe when all your work exists only on your electrical devices. In case of power shortages, you could lose all your unsaved work. Well, not if you have UPS.

With UPS, even a low battery on your laptop or phone will be a problem no longer. UPS works to give you backup power for a limited time so that you can save your work.
47. Get A Docking Station For Your Laptop
If you work with your laptop most of the time, a docking station could become a must. Regardless of the operating system you use, you can get a suitable docking station. That way, you don’t have to keep everything plugged into your laptop.

Instead, the mouse, monitor, keyboard, and more will stay connected to the docking station. This will help you to easily remove the laptop and take it with you when needed without disconnecting many wires.
48. Get A Printer, Copier & Scanner In One
No matter how much or little space you have available, a multipurpose machine will come in handy. Why get three bulky machines, when you can have one that does all the work? Even if you don’t work with paper all the time, such a machine can always come in handy so that you don’t have to leave your house just to print a document.

49. Consider An External Drive
Whether it is a physical external drive or a cloud service such as iCloud, it can keep all your work safe. External drives are the risker of the two options as they can get damaged or lost. To avoid that possibility, cloud services will work even when accessed from an entirely different device. All your data will stay safe and easy to access this way, no matter what.

50. Ensure Reliable Phone Service
If you need customers and clients to reach you quickly at any time, reliable phone service is a must. Think of it as an extension to your email service. Without reliable communication, there can be no serious business. Besides telephones, online services like Skype are also welcome. Skype is a great form of online communication that is also free.

51. Include A Paper Shredder
A paper shredder is great if you deal with a lot of papers at work. For example, they keep your mind at ease as you can quickly get rid of confidential papers before you have a huge bulk on your desk waiting to be dealt with. By cleaning up regularly, you will be more productive as you won’t be stuck in a pile of papers all the time.

Set The Right Mood For Productivity
52. Set A Schedule To Follow
Make sure to stick to office hours, just as you would in a traditional office. This includes starting on time, taking appropriate breaks, and trying to finish in a reasonable time-frame.

Set enough time according to the tasks you need to perform and finish and make sure to take eye breaks and short breaks from time to time. Most importantly, stick to a schedule that works for you, without making you feel unproductive and lazy.
53. Create Boundaries Between Work & Private Life
Ok, this might be one thing that is hard to do. If you answer emails while chilling with your family and friends, you are doing it wrong. However, just as you shouldn’t use your private time to deal with work, the opposite is required as well.

Try to leave your personal life aside while doing business. By doing so, you can stay more productive during the day as you won’t get distracted. Also, try to get it straight with other people that you still need to be professionally working even though it’s from home.
54. Avoid Distracting People
Here we mean that you should avoid people that tend to distract you while you are supposed to be working. Remind them whenever necessary that you need to keep focus and don’t have time to chat. This is exactly why being in a separate room from your house members works the best.

55. Get Earplugs To Cancel Out Noise
In case you are not lucky enough to have a separate room in your home for an office, you can still avoid noisy distractions. For example, try using earplugs to get rid of background noises. These noises can decrease your productivity by asking for your attention. Moreover, there are also noise-canceling headphones available to help here. They are also great for when you have to make a call or a video call.

56. Improve Air Quality
To help you set the right mood to stay on track and working, the air in your home office is quite important. Air out the room by opening the window from time to time. Pure air and green environments can help you with your cognitive levels and make you function better.

Some small things that you can do can improve air quality in your home and your work-from-home office, as well. For example, you can add some green plants to space. You should also vacuum clean the room frequently and use non-toxic cleaners. Finally, you can even use ceiling fans.
57. Get Ready And Dressed
Most of us are guilty of working in our pyjamas from home. This should be changed if you want to increase your productivity levels. By forcing yourself to get out of bed and changing into clothes, you reassure yourself that you are ready for the day ahead.

If you stay in pajamas, you are going to keep getting distracted and spend most of your day in an outfit meant for sleeping. Then you will panic and not have enough time to get ready and be a grownup for that video conference call in your schedule.
58. Keep A Routine
Routines help people stay on track, nurturing both our body and mind. Choosing your behavior for certain tasks and planning what time of the day you are usually going to use to do similar things can help you stay on track. This will boost your productivity as you will simply know to ride out even the dreadest of all the tasks.

59. Start Early
Getting up early before other household members can help you get a lot done. There will be no distractions and other things that will require your attention. This thought should keep you going even if you don’t like waking up early. Plus, the earlier you start, the earlier you will be able to finish and dedicate the rest of your day to the things you love.

60. Check Email Three Times A Day
We all know what an easy way to communicate email is. However, checking it all the time can become a big distraction that will keep you from staying focused, doing your job, and completing your tasks. To avoid being unproductive and wasting time, check your time in the morning when you start work, in the middle of the day, and before you finish your shift.

Invest In Some Furniture
61. Get A Foldable Monitor Stand
For an ergonomic setup, such a monitor stand can make a big difference. With it, you can always adjust the monitor height to fit your preference, no matter where you are. You can even take it along with you on trips as it folds for storage in the suitcase.

Such a stand is also great for when you don’t have a desk you can use for work only in your home. After work, you can simply fold it until you need it again. Great for multipurpose spaces!
62. Use A Laptop Stand
In case you only work with your laptop, a stand will help you elevate so that it can be at eye level while you work. By following these ergonomic rules, you keep your posture in a better shape without any strains on your body. This also helps to keep you in your productive state of mind without suffering any pain.

63. Invest In A Posture Cushion
To keep the spine in its natural curvature even without investing money in an expensive chair, you can invest in a posture cushion. If you have a place where you love to sit, such a cushion will keep you comfortable.
Some of them are easy to stick to chairs by using the straps. It will reduce and prevent any possible pain so that you can focus on the task in front of you.
64. Consider A Floor Or A Desk Lamp
As we have covered the topic of how good lighting can boost your productivity, you might already be thinking to invest in a good lamp. They can give an aesthetic boost to your home office, while also providing you with light so that you don’t strain your eyes while working. They especially come in handy during the short winter days and gloomy weather.

65. Keep It Safe With A Fire-Safe Box
If you shudder at the thought of losing important documents in case of fire, consider buying a fire-safe box. It keeps you prepared and safe even in case of such a disaster, as nothing can happen to the documents and items kept inside.

Moreover, they are easy to access by using a lock and a key. These safety boxes can survive in the fire to give you a sense of security for your business documents.
Final Thoughts
Now that we have presented to you all the ultimate tips to make your home office a productive space where you can get a lot done, there is nothing stopping you from achieving it. Using just a few of these tips can make a big difference in how your home office looks and how user-friendly and practical it is.
We would love it if you would tell us what is the one thing that can boost your productivity when working from home and which tips you are planning to use to make your work-from-home office even better.
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