What Is Our Work Based On
The process of creating reviews and educational articles starts with the research. We study the themes most readers are interested in. After we determine what we will write about, we begin with discovering the best solutions for a certain business case or the best product. We ask ourselves who needs the help, what goal needs to be achieved, and what the readers should know about it.
The reviewers use their knowledge and long experience to create the content. They recognize the verified sources of information and use it to write the articles. They often contact our collaborators who are experts in various fields and who can give the right answer.
Independence Is The Key
Although we collaborate with partners such as Amazon and make some money, we are independent of their influence. We review the products that our tests and researches have proved their quality no matter the brand or webshop. The readers’ trust is the most important for us so we don’t recommend the products for financial profit primarily, but for community help. The money we get from selling the products, we use for developing our site and rewarding our writers.
How We Write Educational Articles
The educational posts are created after long-term researches and consultation with experts. We contact the people that have experience in some business case and we ask them how they have solved some problem. The work experience of our writers also helps them to give the best solution. While writing the articles, we are in touch with people that manage the company as well as with employees so we introduce the view of both sides. We refer to real people’s experiences so the posts to be helpful in the real business world.
Process Of Creating Valuable Content

collect experiences and consult with experts.

How We Detect Products Worth Buying
We search for the best solutions on the web focusing primarily on customer reviews. We make conclusions based on the experiences of real users since their information is credible. The customers’ comments are especially important for product reviews. After we collected the information, we make a shortlist of the best-rated models and show their specifications in detail.
Our product reviewers have enough experience to reveal the unnatural reviews and information written by fake customers. If we’re not sure, we can always ask our expert collaborators to confirm some information. Moreover, we have an effective system that warns us about fake information so we can eliminate it.
Finally, we test some products to be sure they are worth buying. We spend about 400 hours weekly on researches, testings, and writing reviews. The main goal of our researches is to establish the real quality of a product regardless of the manufacturer’s promises.